Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Team Georgia

We typed our script and our bill.



team florida

we want to go first

Monday, November 2, 2009

Team Arkansas

Albert was absent
Ronald worked on "how will this work"
Paige worked on "why is it important"
Jesse worked on committee and penalties for not complying with our bill

team colorado

alex, thalia, brian, and fransisco worked on our bill and added improvisions to the existing bill.

Team Arizona

Alex: edited sec. 3 and got started on sec. 4
Paola: worked on sec. 8
Tyler and Stephanie were absent.

Team Connecticut

We worked on sections 3 and 4 of the bill, and talked about how we were going to make our video. Yeah were the best

Team Georgia

We Decided to have a play and to have a work day tomorrow after school. We also started finishing our first page of the BILL.

Team Flordia

We researched our parts of the the bill and putting it together.

team idaho: what did do question mark

marvin typed up a page, nabeel typed up a page and is actively asking you question. abdul left early. amberlee is the boss. i changed my gmail password because i told you outloud.

Team Delaware

We basically formatted our bill to the proper requirements. We then put together our ideas that we gathered over the weekend. Now we divided the different sections to each group members to work on overnight. We will email each other our progress on our written bill and powerpoint.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Team Arizona

Alex B. and Stephanie T. worked on Section 3.
Tyler and Paola were absent.

Team Georgia

Today, In our group their was Allie, Jose, Hally, John, and Steven. We all decided on our topic as Affirmative Actions and we discuss what parts would be assigned.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Team Florida

Legalize selling organs

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Team Connecticut

Legalize prostitution.


More Restrictive Immigration Laws

Team Georgia

Affirmative Actions :D

team colorado

the children of ilegal immigrants shoud not be u.s. citizens

Team Delaware

Our group would like to legalize Euthenasia

team arizona topick

topic: airport security.

Team Florida

Legalize Gay Marriage

Team: Idaho

Bill: Lower the drinking age to 18.

Team PSI

Our group is in favor of legalizing Gay Marriage. Thank You

Friday, September 4, 2009

Cinnamon Hubbard

Government Gives us money.
Government has too many rules.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Thalia Barahona

one good thing about the government is that it tries to keep the citizens safe.

one bad thing about the government is that there is bad administration of the government funds

antonio douglas

this is Daddy MAc cummins whats up wit cha jus hit me some thime

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Alex Abiva

One good thing about government is that it protects us.

A bad thing about government is that it restricts freedom.

Alie Higuera

Government is good because it regulates peoples actions (harmful ones) and keeps people and society in check.

Government is bad because it is way too involved at times in individuals lives.

Steven Fernandez

A good thing about the government is the SSS no. for olders.
A bad things about the government is the taxation is to high.

Kevin Simon

Whats good about government is that its a good system

The bad thing about it is that its not interesting

Marck Gatbunton

The Goverment Gets me 8 dollars an hour which is minimum wage ~Goodthing~ Since its so low Jollibee Takes advantage Of the Goverments Minimum Wage ~BadThing~

Brian Dao

bad- the government collects taxes
good the government gives us the right o vote

Alex Barbosa

GOOD- The government gives us freedom of speech.
BAD- Take away oil from developing nation in crisis.

Paola Ruiz

Something good about government is provision of welfare.

Something bad about government is welfare is not always evenly distributed.

Jose Ruiz

Good, they provide laws and stability.
Bad, they get mad easily.

Nabeel Asif

the government provides protection for its citizens.
the government has too much debt

Ryanh Dang

The Government gives us food.
The Government is racist.

Valerie Lamb

Government is good because they make certain rules to follow that are good for society

Government is bad becuase they tax too much

Vicki Hsu

Positive: The government keeps our society in order to prevent chaos.
Negative: Government is sometimes biased and typically favors people in power and the wealthy.

Albert Chang

+: The government helps provide schools with proper funding. Sometimes...

-:No capital punishment

Stephanie Truong

Something good about the government: it is has health care for the old
Something bad about the government: it has high taxes

Tyler Shiramizu

The Government has made the country powerful.
The government censors bad words and other stuff

Janette Chung

Government provides conduct and order in society.

But the government is always in the media.

Abel Gomez

I like the government because they will protect us, but the government is bad when they know everything about you, without you knowing...

Jessy Dhariwal

The government gives us money.
The government takes our money.

Christian Ruiz

Good about the government is that they think about the people.
Bad about the government is that they keep secrets from the people.

Paige Fischer

Positive: The government can make positive changes to benefit us.

Negative: The government can be too controlling.

Amberlee Armintrout

Positive: I think that the government does its best to give all people a fair trial.

Negative: I feel that the government does not do the best job of giving us freedom. There can be too much control at times, making the people feel like the rules of the Constitution are being bent.

Nicole Fernandez

Something good about government is its organization.

Something bad is that the justice system doesn't always fall through.

Stacey Chang

positive: the government helps keep order by creating & enforcing laws.
negative: the government is not always fair & not everything is justified equally.

Hannah Cheng

one thing about american government: Cummins teaches it.

one bad thing: its only a semester long.

Reeti Jaiswal

The government here is better than many other governments, and is helpful and strict.
The government does not completely help the citizens, when they think it is unneccessary.

Hally Hong

1. A positive thing about american government is that the schools are free.

2. A negative thing about american government is that tax is high.

Julia Barairo

The positive thing about the governement is that it is interesting to learn about.

A negative thing about the government is that there are certain laws we have to follow.


The goverment sucks.
The gorverment is good of hiding things.

Abdul banafa

gov is gd bcuz it protexts us

gov is bad it teak r muny

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


SEAN / ALEXA / TRAVIS/ TRANG - researched in library books

1950'2 News Project

Today we went over the script and decided on what characters we will play. YAY!

1950's News project

today we did more research on what topics to report on&we started on our script & chose roles for each person in the group;

1950s Newscast Project part 2

Today most of us just spent on the computer researching the topic we chose and we started with our script.
We are in the library. Since filming starts at Friday we gave ourselves another day to work on the script.
On Wednesday we should all be done. We give the editor the scripts, then on Thursday, we edit whatever needs to be improved, then Friday we turn in the written work and do filming.



we started to work on our scripts.

ps: i watch tap tap do nothing

Tuesday-Family and home life

Today our group started the script. We also decided where and when we are going to do the rest of the filming. We all cooporated and brought in ideas of what to do.

Tuesday, Space Race

We researched information.
Nicole found books.
Jackie internet sources.
Marc found out about Laika.
We are going to the library after this to do more research. :]

Monday, April 6, 2009

1950s Newscast project

hannah- layout
Julia- editor
Kevin B.- producer

We talked about how our video layout and who is going to research what. YAY!

1950s Newscast Project

Topic: LAWS & ACTS (no civil rights)

Abigail - director
Victor - layout
Mariella - producer
Meghan - editor

We decided who should do what, and we made a timeline of what to do the rest of the week.

Hi Mr. Cummins!!

1950s news cast


TOPIC: ENTERTAINMENT [no movies/music.tv]
Jenny- Director

We planned our story line with events we learned from the book.

1950's Newscast Project

Amanda; director
Serena; director
Maricruz; layout
Karen; Producer
Vivian; Layout

My groups topic is science. Today, we looked up topics in the book to report in our newscast about.


1950s Newscast project

Nicole (producer)
Jackie (director)
Marc (editor)
Shaina (layout)

my group topic is space race.
we researched info from the book.

1950's newscast project

Alex Barbosa (Producer)
Gabe (director)
Chrysta (Editor)
Kevin M. (Layout)

My group is doing the project on politics.