Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Kentucky Carolyn Te, Kristie Tan, Matt Tien, Yang Long

We are 70% done

Team Louisiana

We're 99% done with our project YAYYYYY
Our fourth best person is BOB


we are 98% done with our bill. We have it written, powerpoint is done. we still need to do one final revision to our bill then add pictures to our power point and we are done

Luriscanyi is our 4th best in the group

Team Iowa

We are about 65% done. [insert name] is the 4th best person so far. but Cummins is the best person EVER in life.


Our groups is 75%-80% done...Me I am the "weakest link"... lol

Group Indiana

We are about 65% done.

We're ALL perfect. :)


The percentage we are at is around 70% complete. We have decided that our weakling is Emmie


we are 85% done with the projecto. the forth best person in the group is tied betweed ben, magan, paul, and mariela

Monday, April 5, 2010

Kentucky Per. 6 Carolyn Te, Kristie Tan, Matt Tien, Yang Anny Long

Finishing up our sections and tomorrow we are going to start putting up our powerpoint.
For Easter we had noodles and a lot of asian food.


today we discussed our video and continued to write the bill. We came up with the script and the overall feel of the video. we ate food for easter sunday;hometown!


today Jordan and Sean edited the bill. they extended it.
Luan and i worked on the power point presentation.
For easter i ate ham.LUan ate noodles. JOrdan ate noodles. Sean ate asian food


reviewed each other's work; helped each other with their sections; plan what to do tomorrow.
thaifood; sandwich;hotdog&fries

Team Iowa

We wrote about two pages today and we found the penalties for normal drunk driving. Janina ate pho, Jenny ate hot cheetos, and Diana ate a potato. Karla wasn't here today so we don't know what she ate.

Group Indiana

Today, we worked on section 1 through 4 and researched on Indiana curfew laws.

For Easter, we ate: Chinese food, bread, ice cream from McDonald's, cheeseburgers.

Team Louisiana

Today we collaborated on the sections that we worked on. We shared the Microsoft Word document on GoogleDocs, so now everyone can edit their work inside whenever they want. We assigned each other things to do at home to finish up this project.

For Easter:
Kelvin had Vietnamese food.
Lillian had veggie soup.
Vinnie ate chicken.
Jason ate Lunchables.


We started working on the powerpoint,
ham, pasta salad, ribs, steak

Friday, April 2, 2010

Kentucky Per. 6 Carolyn Te, Kristie Tan, Matt Tien, Yang Anny Long


Meeting at the Milpitas Library tomorrow to search and discuse.

Team Iowa

We made up the title and finalized what sections we were going to do. We are still deciding whether or not to meet on the weekends because we are all busy. Our favorite color jellybeans are blue, white, pink, and green/yellow.


Karla Cabada- white jelly beans (coconut)

Hawaii Group

research, establish each person's responsibilities (separate sections);
not meeting on weekend;
anthony=polkadots, matt=green, jamie=green, cindy=red

Team Louisiana

Today we started typing up our bill and learned the formatting of how the document should look. We worked on Sections 4 and 5, came up with restrictions on the proposed euthanasia law, and came up with a list of who benefits from this law.

Kelvin likes watermelon jelly beans.
Lillian likes apple jelly beans.
Vinnie likes cherry jelly beans.
Jason likes cookies and cream jelly beans.


Priscilla Tijerino- My favorite jelly bean is the pink one with colorful dots on it.
LUan Nquyen- his favorite jely bean is butter popcorn.
Jordan Thinathin-his favorite is the red, cherry flavored one.
Sean Yi- his favorite jelly bean is watermelon

Indiana Group

Today we brainstormed titles, and read some pros and cons of curfews. We plan to meet up on Sunday at the public library.

Favorite jelly bean colors:
JV: green
Jovi: blue
An: orange

Hanellie was not here today.


What we did as a group - Adam, David, Emmie, and Tammy performed extensive research on the definitions in the Gay and Lesbian Rights, A Struggle book, came up with a creative idea on visual aid, and typed up most of our bill using Google Docs.

Favorite jelly bean - Adam: Root Beer
David: Cinnamon
Tammy: Juicy Pear
Emmie: Marshmallow


Ben section 3,4,5,and 6
Magan section 9
Paul section 8
Mariela section 7
We used our time wisely and we got A LOT of work done :)
black ,green , cherry, strawberry


Priscilla Tijerino, Luan Nguyen, Jordan Thinathin, and Sean Yi are going to pass the "FREE FUNERAL" bill.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Kentucky Per.6 Carolyn Te, Kristie Tan, Matt Tien, Yang Anny Long

We discused about our projects and we also asigned jobs to each teammate.
Each person is doing 2-3 sections eac. We plan on meeting during the week ends and probably after school each day until the due date.
We will contiue tomorrow.

team illinois

today we came up with the topic which is dont ask , dont tell. david thought of the title section 1. Tammy researched and debated, she handled the computer. Emmie came up with the topic. Adam helped brainstorm!

-tammy, david, emmie, adam.

Group Indiana

Hanellie: talked and debated about new topic
JV: talked and debated about new topic
An Le: researching on topic
Jovi: researching about curfew

Hawaii Group

topic: ban animal testing;
we did general research on animal testing; btw, anthony was at a badminton game;

Iowa Group

We researched topics and confirmed our topic. We brainstormed. We google.doc-ed and shared pros and cons.

Janina: Sections 4 and 6
Jenny: Sections 1-3
Karla: Section 5 and 7
Diana: Section 8 and 9


We were very productive today. We came up with ideas for our slogan for legalizing euthanasia. We also discussed the pros and cons of euthanasia. We brainstormed some more ideas for our bill.


Our topic is legalize marijuana. All we did was to figure our topic to our bill

Kentucky Per.6 Carolyn Te, Kristie Tan, Matt Tien, Yang Anny Long

Banning the dealth penalty