Sunday, August 26, 2012
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Jeanne Orencia
SEXIEST POLITICIAN? No one. But since I feel like I should say a name, I'll say Sarah Palin.
Rebecca Ceuppens
Politicians aren't supposed to be sexy, so this question is a little creepy. I'd have to pick Barrack Obama because at least he doesn't irritate me.
Monday, January 23, 2012
Jordyn Terry
There is no one definition of "Normal".
What one person would consider normal could be seen as completely absurd to someone else. What you consider normal has many determining factors; although I don't think there is ever such a thing as normal.
Only YOU can define what is normal!
What one person would consider normal could be seen as completely absurd to someone else. What you consider normal has many determining factors; although I don't think there is ever such a thing as normal.
Only YOU can define what is normal!
olivia staten
There is no such thing as normal. What is normal to one person could be completely taboo to another.
Different societies view different things as normal. For example, in western society we view arranged marraiges as taboo. While in some other countries its traditional and completely normal and they dont have a second thought about it.
Different societies view different things as normal. For example, in western society we view arranged marraiges as taboo. While in some other countries its traditional and completely normal and they dont have a second thought about it.
Normal is being average. Trying to be nomal is ordinary and plain. If someone is trying to be "normal" they're following what everyone else is doing so they can fit in.
Ron Jose
Normal is being an ordinary person. He/she is like everyone else and
behaves as most people behave. They dress like everybody else, think,
and eat like everyone else.
Alex Nguyen
There is no normal thing because everyone is unique and everyone likes new and different things. Everyone is different in their own way and it means that they are their own person. There is no being normal but there is being yourself and being yourself is the most important thing you can ever do through life because if you aren't you then you are nothing. Being yourself is the most wonderful thing in the world so don't be someone else because you're not that person.
Kyla Clemente
Normal is what most of the people in the world are. Normal is ordinary and plain. Normal is boring.
Trysty Lopez
Normal means being your own self. Be open-minded, but stay true to yourself for all time. Never ever change because of the things you hear or see.
Yaritza Jimenez
I think normal is something different for everyone. I may think something is normal and someone else may not. Like an example (not saying I think this is normal) I may think sleeping with one eye open is normal, someone else may not. Everyone thinks differently.
Bryan Tran
Normal is what the people want it to be. Normal is how the majority of people act, or at least how they're expected to act.
I believe the word normal is a word to describe what you think is the standard is for your expectations. Since everyone has different expectations, the word is relative. Say you believe green apples are normal while red ones are wrong. Meanwhile, a different person can say red apples are natural while green ones are imperfect. It's just people's opinion.
Leanne Preposi
"I wish I was normal like you", "Why can't my family be normal like yours", "I need a normal life!". Everyone uses the word normal hypothetically, but what is "normal"? To me, normal is an unrealistic phrase that ordinary people throw around all the time. Trying to be normal is a mental issue, trying to perfect themselves and comparing them self to others, while seeing only the flaws of their self, life style, and family and wishing it were different. Normal is being the person who you are and not comparing yourself with others.
Johan Roberto
Normal is what people are used to. Like most people are used to using Facebook now so it's normal. And if someone was using Myspace or Friendster, people using Facebook would think that's weird and it's not normal. But really, no one is close to being normal because we're all different in our own way.
Manisha Singh
Normal to me is just a word to describe something that is out of the ordinary.To be normal is saying everything is fine and nothing in the world can be wrong which to me is an utter lie,nothing will ever be fine and if it is then tell me where I need to be.The term normal is like saying that a fact in science you researched the other day will always remain untouched,and that's inaccurate since we can agree that facts in science change as things in life do.
Aaron Cohen
I think normal is relative. What you beleive is normal may not be what I beleive is normal. Therefore, nothing is normal and everything is odd. For example, you might think bathing once a week is normal while I find that idea to be disgusting. On the other hand, you might find my daily bathing to be totally absurd.
Vincent Page
What is normal?
Normal is person's perception on what is logically correct in their mind. It is how they think the world should be portrayed. Normal is a word people would describe something that would follow their sense of understanding. When someone cannot comprehend something, it becomes not normal.
Normal is person's perception on what is logically correct in their mind. It is how they think the world should be portrayed. Normal is a word people would describe something that would follow their sense of understanding. When someone cannot comprehend something, it becomes not normal.
Cody Huber
What is normal?
I guess normal is simply what society dictates. People are influenced by their friends, family, and the media to conform to certain society norms. Dressing and acting certain ways and only certain ways is how society maintains what everyone should do, and therefore is considered normal .
I guess normal is simply what society dictates. People are influenced by their friends, family, and the media to conform to certain society norms. Dressing and acting certain ways and only certain ways is how society maintains what everyone should do, and therefore is considered normal .
Andrea La Roque
Normal is conforming to society. An average person without extraordinary or unusual characteristics.
Nathan Haaland
"What is Normal?"
Being normal all depended on how confident you are with yourself, and how others expect you to act. It is society that pushes us to conform to the whats normal. If you are fine with who you are then you are already normal in your own sense.
Being normal all depended on how confident you are with yourself, and how others expect you to act. It is society that pushes us to conform to the whats normal. If you are fine with who you are then you are already normal in your own sense.
Sandy Olivera
I have no idea what normal is. Somebody that has a common type or regular. Maybe somebody plain is normal that isnt a charcacter or boring. But i am pretty sure their is no such thing as normal.
Jagdev Jhutty
I think that normal is ordinary. You don't stand out, and you remain in with the crowd.
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