Sunday, August 26, 2012

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Gabriel Padilla

Julia Bonk

Leslie Do


Nida Ali

The sexiest politician is Ronald Reagan.

CJ Velasco


Benaiah Albana

Sarah Palin

Crystal Han

barack obama

Thao Le


Stephanie Hong

Barack Obama

Tiffany Han


gustavo jimenez

barack obama

Adam Luo

Mitt Romney is so sexy

Trysty Lopez

Barack Obama

Justine Lucas


Gina Ha

Barack Obama.

Alina Jantunen


Adrian Drop

Sarah Palin or Ashley Vee.

Jeremy Bernardo

The sexiest politician is Barack Obama.

Corly Leung

Barack Obama

Jenn De Leon

The sexiest politician is Obama. :)

Jordan Catura

Sarah Palin or Holly Lee

Dheyon Lee

The sexiest politician is Barack Obama.

Benjamin Leung

Mara Rosaria Carfagna

Jeanne Orencia

SEXIEST POLITICIAN? No one. But since I feel like I should say a name, I'll say Sarah Palin.

Regina Calamug

Sarah Palin is sexier than Obama.

Sheena Arines

Obama \m/

Kevin Salladay

Kate Middleton

Rebecca Ceuppens

Politicians aren't supposed to be sexy, so this question is a little creepy. I'd have to pick  Barrack Obama because at least he doesn't irritate me.

Minh Hoang

Kate Middleton

Kevin Luong

Obama is the sexiest, okay.