Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Team Georgia

We typed our script and our bill.



team florida

we want to go first

Monday, November 2, 2009

Team Arkansas

Albert was absent
Ronald worked on "how will this work"
Paige worked on "why is it important"
Jesse worked on committee and penalties for not complying with our bill

team colorado

alex, thalia, brian, and fransisco worked on our bill and added improvisions to the existing bill.

Team Arizona

Alex: edited sec. 3 and got started on sec. 4
Paola: worked on sec. 8
Tyler and Stephanie were absent.

Team Connecticut

We worked on sections 3 and 4 of the bill, and talked about how we were going to make our video. Yeah were the best

Team Georgia

We Decided to have a play and to have a work day tomorrow after school. We also started finishing our first page of the BILL.

Team Flordia

We researched our parts of the the bill and putting it together.

team idaho: what did do question mark

marvin typed up a page, nabeel typed up a page and is actively asking you question. abdul left early. amberlee is the boss. i changed my gmail password because i told you outloud.

Team Delaware

We basically formatted our bill to the proper requirements. We then put together our ideas that we gathered over the weekend. Now we divided the different sections to each group members to work on overnight. We will email each other our progress on our written bill and powerpoint.