Sunday, October 23, 2011

Okay we missed Teacher Man's birthday

if anyone is actually reading this, I say we at least all sign a big piece of paper, because we ARE his favorite class and he does like us best :) someone bring a huge piece of paper tomorrow!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Matt Wiewiora

Normal is doing what you always do. yee

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Ryan McKenzie

normal isnt cool u have to be outstanding...Girls dnt dig normal they wanna outstanding

Lavanya D.

Hi!! normal is whatever every1 else thinks it is.


Normal is boring.

Marie Torres

Hi Mr. Cummins, my name is Marie Torres and I am in6th period. Thank you :)
Normal is whatever you think is normal! Your normal by doing you!


Normal is in your own definition. How you define it is your decision

Summer Anthony.

What is normal? Me. I is normal :P

Jeremy Bernardo

Normal is weird. I guess...
Normal seems... relative, depending on certain standards of varying topics.
For all we know, normal could be the most outrageous things we've ever known.

Brianna Gonzales

What's normal?

Normal is determined by what someone is use to or comfortable with. It varies from person to person. What I find normal could be strange to you. Normal for me would be utter chaos to my mother. It's what I use to and what I cling to for my own sanity.


k, hopfuly this is my first post..? ummmm I cannot spell :(

Jessica Do

I think normal is a term that describes what the majority of society think is common. But it also actually depends because, a person society would call unique would call themselves normal and everyone else around them would be unique. I don't think there is a true definition of normal

Helen Dang

Normal is anything that you believe it is to be :)

Yamilet Ramos

Normal is whatever seems right to you! so i think it depends on the person because normal to me may be one thing but to someone else it may be differrnt..

Jesse Calida

Normal is when everybody does the same thing and it isn't awkward.

Amy Tran

What is Normal?
-Normal is not something that can be defined.

Reena Tangco

There's no such thing as normal. Everybody's weird. "Normal" is just what we use to feel less awkward. And the font size of this post.

Bonny Lieu

To be normal is to be different.

Nathan Chung

"Normal" can be interpreted any number of ways, depending on our cultural standpoint and the context of the subject in question. One would have to write a multi-page essay to properly answer this question. Or I could just give an example:

Mr. Cummins is not a normal teacher

Jennifer Mai

Normal is the term we use to associate people, or things we consider as natural, regular, or usual.

Hung Do

What is normal?
Normal is when you feel comfortable around people.

Danica Cabrera

Normal is everything you do! ^_^

Evanielle Parinas

Normal is when you know that you don't have a mental disorder.

Melanie Narciso

Normal is everything out of the ordinary.

Bryant Phung

What is normal?

Normal is something ordinary and does not seem different. No one is normal, everyone is different in some way. Normal is the typical things everyone sees everyday. A mundane lifestyle can seem normal to many people.

Andrea Lopez

Normal is anything you feel it is.

Berenice Delgado

"Normal" varies depending on each person's perspective. Each person has their own ideas on what normal is based on their ideas, culture, and experiences. Therefore, the term "normal" cannot be defined in an exact way.

Margaret Nguyen

What is normal?
Normal cannot be defined; it's differs from person to person. To me, normal is what I'm comfortable with or used to. What's normal to myself may not be normal to others.

Ly Andy P6 psychology

What is normal?

I believe that normal is anything that is not out of the ordinary, doesn't stick out or screams "LOOK AT ME!" Normal people are those who conforms to society and sticks by the rules. Some adjectives that describes normal is : plain, simple, ordinary, and dull.

Brandon Casiano

What Is Normal?

Normal by definition is just oridnary, standard or medicore. But normal is something abnormal. Every single thing or everyone can not be normal because there will always be something unique to it.

Cheverlyn Casta

Normal is...

According to

...Uhm, idk, normal is whatever you want it to be!

Bye (:

Miranda Potmesil

Weird is normal.

Allison Chan

What is Normal?
Normal is something or someone that is usual or average.

Patricia Agraz

Normal is being yourself and acting like yourself.