Thursday, September 11, 2008

Does the USA still follow the spirit of this poem?

I believe we still follow this spirit somewhat. We have immigrants coming from all different places. Plus, the US is made up of immigrants anyway. It just has to be legalized and everything. The system is messed up anyway. Some people want to come to America and have better jobs than what their country can give them, but sometimes that chance is blown away because of the system. You have to live here for a couple of years and have a sustainable job. But what if you want to bring a loved one with you? You have to be separated from them for a really long time just so you could become a citizen. We aren't as free and welcome as back then, or as the poem says. We are not that generous anymore. So that kind of sucks for incoming immigrant. So the answer is, that we are welcome and friendly, only on slight terms. If they do not follow the rules then you get sent back to where you came from.

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