Thursday, September 11, 2008

Colossus by Emma Lazarus

Unlike the bold giant of Greek fame,
with strong limbs that touch coast to coast;
stands out worn down sunset gates
a statue that holds a torch, the flame
is a bright light, and her name
is Mother of Exiles. Her hands
welcomes all races; she controls
the bridge and the twin towers.
"I don't care who you are" she said
softly. "I will accept everyone,
including people who wants to be free,
even the dirty garbage from your land.
Give me your hobos, your storms.
I hold my lamp and welcome you"

Does the USA still follow the spirit of this poem?
No, the USA does not follow the spirit of the poem anymore. If you want to come to America, you have to wait on a list that takes over 10 years. Bush even requested a huge wall to be built to seperate USA and Mexico.

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