Friday, September 19, 2008

SPAIN/PORTUGAL - day three

Ok, so i really thought we were going to present the project today, but Mr. Cummins was so nice (grr, we pushed ourselves! and this is what we get?!) to push the due date on Monday...
I bet Mr. Cummins only said it's due on Friday because he wanted us to get it done earlier (
didn't you Mr. Cummins! :p), which kind of worked because my group is almost done with it (that was a dirty dirty trick Mr. Cummins!).
We were suppose to do the movie yesterday, but when we learned that it's due on Monday, we just scheduled it on Sunday
(because most of my group are busy on the weekend).
However, I'm glad everyone is doing their part. :D

Joe and Alexa are working on the cover page, Nicole is doing the script for the movie and looking for more facts about Portugal with Amy, Jeremiah is doing the cited page, and I'm almost done typing up the group essay.

- grrr, Mr. Cummins!
haha, just kidding... =p

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